Drowning by Numbers

Drowning by Numbers

This project comes from some interrogations that appeared in the Peter Greenaway film “Drowning by Numbers”, 1998 and by the numbers from 1 to 100 that appear in the most different ways all along the film. In a series of 18 images, I cross the numbers with death, feminity (if such a concept still exists), childhood and games, in an exacerbated way; the game of counting the stars, the one of counting the pieces of a broken mirror, the aquatic games. Maths are clearly emphasized, and coming back to the film, in the trilogy of the women that kill their husbands by drowning them but also a numeric symbol in accordance with each number of each photography. None the less, to each picture appears a personal interpretation that come closer to the meaning of the film or that has more to do with my own creation.
This exhibition becomes then a sort of dialogue between Greenaway’s film and my own creation.